
I am a Research Associate at the European University Institute. My colleagues and I are working on the ERC-funded POSTNORM project (“Post-Authoritarian Norms and the Ideological Legacy of Dictatorships”) led by Prof Elias Dinas.

In February 2025, I will start my PhD in Politics Research at King’s College London, fully funded by the Economic and Social Research Council through the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP).

I have an MA in European Affairs (with Distinction, King’s College London, December 2023), an MSc in Political Science (Renmin University of China, June 2024), and a BA in History (Renmin University of China, June 2021).

Mapping (A)Ideology: A Taxonomy of European Parties Using Generative LLMs as Zero-Shot Learners

Riccardo Di Leo, Chen Zeng, Elias Dinas, and Reda Tamtam

Under review

The geography of trade: Economic shocks, regional competitiveness, and support for trade in the UK

Sofia Vasilopoulou, Chen Zeng, Dan Keith, and Liisa Talving

Manuscript in preparation